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Small Pond Studios is Proud to Announce Our Newest Service!
For Your Business
Your Special Interest
Your Club or Group
Why Podcast?
75% of the U.S. population is familiar with the term "podcasting." Up from 70% in 2019.
50% 0f all U.S. homes are podcast fans (Neilson, Aug 2017)
55% of the U.S. populations has listened to a podcast.
37% have listened to a podcast in the last month - up from 32% 2019.
68 Million people listen to a podcast weekly.
51% of podcast listeners are male.
45% of U.S. listeners have household incomes over 75K.
Age of podcast listeners
12-34 48%
36-54 32%
55+ 20%
69% agreed that podcast ads made them aware of new products or services.
Podcasts generate 4.4X better brand recall than display ads.
If you are new to Podcasting Small Pond Studios will assist you in getting started.
Call us if you are unsatisfied with your podcast audio and/or production.
Podcast recorded and produced at Small Pond Studios.
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